G - 4
The fresh water system consists of a city water hook up, fresh water tank fill, fresh
water tank and drain valve, water-pump, pump filter, hot and cold water lines, water
heater, fresh water line drain valves, and faucets.
To operate the system:
Turn the water heater by-pass valves to normal flow
The by-pass valves are located under the galley
cabinet, and are accessed by opening the lower
For normal operation open valves A and C and
close valve B. (Reverse the valves and drain the
water heater for winterization).
Check all drain valves and turn them to the closed position as needed.
Fill the water tank by opening the exterior door marked water fill, remove screw cap
and pull the vent plug. A garden hose can now be inserted or use a clean bucket
and funnel to fill the tank. It’s a good idea to let the water run through the hose for a
short time to flush it out. RVers sometimes fill their tanks with “home” water to avoid
strange water that may be distasteful to them on short outings. Remember the more
water you carry in the fresh water tank, the less cargo carrying capacity you have for
other items.
The amount of water in the tank may be checked on the Monitor Panel, or you may fill
the tank until water overflows out of the fill.
Open the hot side of the galley, wet-bath, or exterior shower faucet and fill the water
heater by turning on the water pump switch or by connecting to an exterior city water
source. For some time the open faucet will only sputter. This is because the water
heater is being filled and air is being pushed out through the lines. Once the water
heater is full, a steady stream of water will come from the faucet. CAUTION: Do
operate the water heater until it is full of water. Now open a cold faucet. It will
sputter for a short time, but will soon expel a steady stream. All other faucets can now
be opened until all air is expelled.
Once the system is filled with water and the faucets are closed, the water pump will
shut off.
CAUTION: To prevent equipment damage the water heater should only be
started after the water system is primed and ready for use.
When a faucet is opened the pump will come back on automatically. If the faucet is just
barely open it is normal for the pump to cycle on and off rapidly.
It is normal for a pump to occasionally cycle when all faucets are off to keep the water
pressure at the set point. However, if it cycles frequently (more than a few times an
hour) the plumbing system and pump should be checked to be sure it is not loosing
pressure through a slow water leak or back through the pump.
CAUTION: Turn the water pump off when the motorhome is left unattended.