The I/O address hex 0000 to 00FF are reserved for the system board
I/O. Hex 0100 to 03FF are available on the I/O channels.
I/O Address Map
I/O Address Function
0000-001F DMA Controller 1, 8237A-5
0020-003F Interrupt Controller 1, 8259A, Master
0040-005F Timer, 8254-2
0060-006F 8742 (Keyboard Controller)
0070-007F Real-time Clock, NMI
(Non-maskable Interrupt) Mask
0080-009F DMA Page Memory, 74LS612
00A0-00BF Interrupt Controller 2, 8259A
00C0-00DF DMA Controller 2, 8237A-5
00E8 Shadow RAM and Cache Control Bit
00F0 Clear Numeric Processor
Extension Busy
00F1 Reset Numeric Processor Extension
00F8-00FF Numeric Processor Extension
01F0-01F8 Fixed Disk
0200-0207 Game I/O
0278-027F Parallel Printer Port 2
02F8-02FF Serial Port 2
0300-031F Prototype Card
0360-036F Reserved
0378-037F Parallel Printer Port 1
0380-038F SDLC, Bisynchronous 2
03A0-03AF Bisynchronous 1
03B0-03BF Monochrome Display and Printer Adapter
03C0-03CF Reserved
03D0-03DF Color/Graphics Monitor Adapter
03F0-03F7 Diskette Controller
03F8-03FF Serial Port 1