! Installation – MPC4000
1. Remove the fixing screws of the MPC4000 Side Pan-
els (4pcs. on each side) and remove Side Panels. Next,
remove the screws (5pcs. on each side) hidden by the
Side Panels and then remove the center screws (2pcs.)
located underneath the Armrest and the topmost of
Rear Panel. The Top Panel Block can be swing-opened
by lifting the Armrest from the front. Save the removed
2. Remove the fixing screws (4pcs.) for the Mask Plate
(upper slot) on the Rear Panel and remove the Mask
Plate. Save the screws for later use. The Mask Plate
is not used.
3. Referring to the illustration, remove the fixing screw
(1pc.) on the I/O board and install the Mounting Post
(S) in its place. Then extend the 2 Mounting Posts with
the 2 Mounting Posts (L) included.
4. Set the IB-48P on the Rear Panel and Mounting Posts
and fix it securely with the screws removed in earlier
step and the Fixing Screws (gold, 2pcs.) included.
5. Connect the cable from the IB-4ADT board to the con-
nector (P4) on the I/O board.
6. Replace and fix the Top Panel Block and Side Panels
in the opposite order to which they were removed.
Note 1: When the IB-48P 8-Individual Output board is
installed at the lower slot, remove the fixing screws (2pcs.)
of the Mounting Posts for the IB-48P and replace them
with the 2 Mounting Posts (L) included and mount the IB-
4ADT on them.
Note 2: On the MPC4000 with IB-4D SP-DIF Digital In-
terface Board installed, Connect the 8-pin Connecting
Cable included between the IB-4D (P2) and IB-4ADT (P1)
✽ Be sure to fix the screws and connectors securely to
avoid malfunctioning.