
Program Change Mode
A Program Change, often referred to as a Patch Change, is a MIDI message
from one device to another that causes the latter to switch to a new program.
Using Program Change messages, MPK261 can tell another hardware or
software device which sound to play. For example, if your MPK261 is
controlling a piano patch in your software or an external MIDI device, sending a
Program Change message from MPK261 causes it to switch to a synth patch.
MPK261 lets you send two types of Program Change messages:
Program Change: This is a standard Program Change message (0–127) sent to your
software or external device, letting you switch between 128 different program banks.
Program Change with Bank Change: This is a standard Program Change message (0–
127) plus a Bank Select LSB (Least Significant Bit) (0–127) and a Bank Select MSB (Most
Significant Bit) message (0–127). This gives you access to up to 16384 different program
banks. Your software or external device must support LSB and MSB messages to use
this feature.
To navigate Program Change Mode:
1. Press Program Change to enter Program Change Mode.
2. In each page of Program Change Mode:
Use the Up Cursor and Down Cursor buttons to move through the parameters on
the current page.
Use the Left Cursor and Right Cursor buttons to move between different pages.
Turn the Value Dial to change the currently selected value/setting.
Important: These changes cannot be saved to your Presets or global settings. Once you
power off the MPK261 they will return to the default settings.
Each section of this chapter is dedicated to a specific Program Change and lists its editable
For an overview of the available settings and parameters, see the Appendix: Mode
Parameters section.