particular advantage when using the C 480 B with
the CK 69-ULS shotgun capsule which normally is
used relatively far from the sound source so the
wanted sound level at the microphone will be com-
paratively low.
The incorporated bass-cut filter reduces the risk of
distortion at low frequencies. This feature is espe-
cially useful in combating wind noise or stage floor
vibration. The slope of the bass-cut filter is more
than 12 dB/octave, the cut-off frequency may
be set to 70 Hz or 150 Hz.
The all-metal housing effectively rejects r.f. inter-
ference when the microphone is used in close prox-
imity to transmitter stations or in conjunction with
wireless microphones or other communication
Cleaning hints
All metal surfaces may be safely cleaned from time
to time with methylated spirit or alcohol. The foam
windscreen should be occasionally soaked in a non-
aggressive detergent/water solution and will be
ready for use after drying.
If you want to learn more about microphones and
their applications, get a copy of “MICROPHONES:
technique & technology” by Norbert Pawera. The
book is published by “Arsis Baedeker und Lang Ver-
lags GmbH” and available at your local music shop.
Both studio and “onstage“ applications are dis-
cussed in detail.