6 Display
Main Window
Channel Information
Battery Status
Audio Meter (E)
MUTE Indication (F)
The general windowshows all necessaryparameters for operation.Inaddition to afreely-selectable
name,the current frequency,the current group and channel,you can check the audio level,the ac-
tive antenna, and the remaining use time of the transmitter battery.In case of a critical fault condi-
tion (audio mute, low battery,audio clip) you will see a warning message.
The Channel Information window provides a quick overview of the tuning parameters (group/chan-
nel, frequency, name,country,bodypack audio input gain,attenuation pad,transmission power,en-
cryption, and mute lock).All these parameters can be set and synchronized.The GROUNDLIFT and
WORDCLOCK fields inidcate the related current status.
• To call up the channel information window, simply push the CH1 or CH2 button from the gen-
eral window.
The battery symbols on the transmitter (C) and receiver (C) let you check the transmitter’s remain-
ingbattery capacityat aglance.Eachsegmentequals approximately1 hourof remainingbattery life.
If nobattery voltage isdetected or theinformation is invalid,no information isshown on the display.
Approximately 1hour before thebattery willbe dead the“LOWBATT”warningappears andthe LED
ring turns red.
The audio meter (E) indicates the audio output level of the receiver.
• To match the receiver’s output level to the connected mixer, you can adjust the level using the
GAIN parameter in theAUDIO menu.
Theoutputlevel isnot properlyadjustedif theaudio metergoesoff-scaleor theinput onthecon-
nected device is overloaded.
The audiooutput ismuted.Thestatus LED
ring (11) is litred. Since power andthe RF
sectionremain ON,no unwanted noisewill
become audible from the sound system
when you mute the audio signal.
DMS 700_2_Quad Manual_F031103 21.03.2011 15:12 Uhr Seite 11