A Tour of the MultiMix
Line Inputs (Channels 5 – 8)
Unlike channels 1 – 4, the line inputs on channels 5 – 8 are stereo
inputs that have left and right inputs. If you’re using one of these
channels as a mono input, plug your instrument into the left input.
Channels 5 – 8 don’t have the extra gain found on channels 1 – 4
because most line-level instruments don’t require the extra boost.
MIDI and other electronic instruments will work especially well on
these channels. These inputs are also good for connecting CD
players or tape decks, as these audio sources don’t require extra
The headphone jack accepts 1/4” jacks. If your headphones are
1/8”, you can find a 1/8” to 1/4” adapter in most electronics
These are the 1/4” jacks where you connect the outputs of an
external effects processor or other audio source. Each aux return
gives you 15dB of gain that can be controlled by the AUX RET A
and EFFECTS / AUX RET B LEVEL knobs in the mixer’s
output section.
And these is the 1/4” jacks where you connect the lines that are
going into the input of an external effects processor. The aux
sends give you 10dB of gain that can be controlled in the AUX
section of each channel input.
The 2-TRACK IN and OUT jacks are standard RCA jacks. You’ll
use the OUTs for mixing to a tape deck or other recorder. With
the INs you can bring in a signal, which can be monitored and
even added to the main mix via the 2TK TO MIX switch in the
master section of the mixer.
These 1/4” jacks are where the signal on the main mix bus leaves
the mixer. From there you can send it to a recorder or a PA system.
The level of this signal is controlled by the MAIN MIX level
You can use these 1/4" jacks to send the control room signal to
the input of the amplifier driving your monitors or headphones.
This output usually carries the main mix. However, if you engage
the 2TK TO CTRL ROOM switch, the CTRL RM OUT will carry
the signal present at the 2-TRACK inputs.
If you are using an effects
device with only a mono
output, plug it into the left
return of STEREO AUX
RETURN. It will appear in
the center of the stereo
spectrum, and not to the left.