3 Basics of Equalization
Button 9: System Exclusive Receive (Waiting)
As long as this page is active, the DEQ230D will allow an external
device such as a computer to transmit a new bank of 30 User
programs into its User memory space. Once the external device
begins sending the proper sys-ex data, the DEQ230D displays
the message “Rcving,” or “receiving.” Depending on the speed
of the transmission, the transfer can happen so quickly you may
not see that message. Either way, when the sys-ex transmission is
complete, the DEQ230D will let you know by displaying the
message “Done.”
If you change your mind in the middle of the transmission and
realize you’ve loaded in the wrong bank (or worse, you forgot to
back up the User programs first), you can interrupt the
transmission by pressing the [DOWN] button. But you’d better
act quickly, as the whole process takes only about one second.
And unfortunately, as soon the message “Rcving” is displayed the
DEQ230D begins overwriting programs in the User bank. If you
saw that message you will have lost some User programs. But if
you interrupted the transmission, you will have managed to save
some of the programs.
Button 10: MIDI Out/Thru Select (Out/Thru)
Sometimes it is necessary to “daisy-chain” MIDI devices so the
MIDI data from one unit will be passed through one or more
other pieces of MIDI gear until it is able to reach the last unit in
the chain. The DEQ230D will allow you to do that when this
function is set to Thru (the default value).
The setting on this page will not affect whether or not the
DEQ230D will send its memory out the MIDI Out jack. When
that command is initiated (Button 8), the sys-ex data will be sent in
either case.
Button 11: Sample Rate Select (44.1/48)
The DEQ230D automatically senses an incoming digital signal
through its S/PDIF input and slaves its internal clock to that,
whether the rate is 44.1k or 48k. But if you need the DEQ230D to
serve as an A/D converter, then it also will need to be the master
clock to the receiving device.
You may prefer to record the output of the DEQ230D at either
44.1k or 48k. Use the setting of this function to set the internal
clock to the desired sample rate.
Button 12: Force Analog Input (Auto/Analog)
There may be times when you want the DEQ230D to ignore an
incoming digital signal, but you don’t want to have to reach around
to the back of the rack and unplug the cable going into the
S/PDIF input. This function will help prevent that tangled
spaghetti-mess of cables where no one knows whether the other
end is actually hooked up to anything!
Warning! Sending a
sys-ex bank into the
EQ230D will overwrite
the User memory
locations. Make sure
ou have backed up the
entire User memory
efore you load in a new
et of User programs.