This page allows you to edit various MIDI-related settings for
each trigger. To edit them,
1. Press DRUM KIT to go to the Main Screen.
2. Press EDIT INST. The top of the screen will show the
number and name of the Kit whose Instruments (drum
voices) you will be editing.
3. Select MIDI (F2). The top of the new screen will show the
trigger Voice you are editing. You can select another
trigger by pressing NOTE CHASE then striking the desired
trigger. Alternatively, you can highlight the Voice (next to
the Kit number) using the CURSOR UP / DOWN buttons
to highlight it and use the VALUE UP / DOWN buttons or
VALUE DIAL to change it.
Note: You can also change the current Voice in this
fashion in any of the subsequent menus.
4. When you have selected the Voice you want to edit, select either of the options at the bottom of the
LCD using the F-BUTTONS. Use CURSOR UP / DOWN to move through the menu items and VALUE
UP / DOWN or the VALUE DIAL to adjust the settings:
MIDI Chan: The MIDI channel over which the trigger will transmit MIDI messages.
MIDI Note: The MIDI note that will be transmitted. The number is the MIDI Note number; the
corresponding musical note is shown next to it. (Note: The MIDI note for the hi-hat and ride
cymbals is fixed and can not be reassigned.)
Gate Time: The duration of the note sent from the trigger when struck. The available range is
from 00-99 ms, then note values (1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, and 1/2 – with regular and triplet
divisions for each value), or "OFF."
Note Off: How the MIDI Note Off message is sent. When "NOT SENT" is selected, a MIDI
Note Off will not be transmitted. When "SENT" is selected, a MIDI Note Off will be sent after
the length of time specified by the Gate Time (above). When "ALTERNATE" is selected,
striking a trigger once will cause it to send its MIDI Note; striking it a second time will cause it
to send a MIDI Note Off.
b. CHORD / ARP: Select "OFF," "CHORD," or "ARPEGGIO." (Note: The CHORD / ARP function
is not available for the hi-hat and ride cymbals.)
OFF: The trigger will transmit only the MIDI note assigned to it.
CHORD: The trigger will transmit up to four MIDI notes simultaneously whenever it is struck.
You can select the additional three notes here. The number is the MIDI Note number; the
corresponding musical note is shown next to it in parentheses.
ARPEGGIO: The trigger will transmit up to four MIDI notes but will "rotate" through them with
each strike (e.g., the first time the trigger is struck, it will send its first MIDI note; the next time,
it will send Note #2; the next time, it will send Note #3). You can select the three additional
notes here. The number is the MIDI Note number; the corresponding musical note is shown
next to it in parentheses.