Surround Sound
34 M1 Active Reference Manual
The following suggestions for optimal M1 Active Mk2 placement are derived
from several sources: 1) Standard industry practice for home installations as
recommended by the manufacturers of surround encoder/decoder units; 2)
recommendations developed by Tom Holman for setting up THX surround
theater sound systems, and 3) Alesis engineers’ experience fine-tuning the
performance of the SMS Monitoring System in order to find the mounting
configuration which results in the most natural and accurate surround
placement. With the many different playback systems in use, there is room
for interpretation of what the best placement is in a control room, but the
following represents a good starting point which you are free to change to
your taste.
Vertically, the M1 Active Mk2s should be placed on the side wall of the
control room, above your head, with the woofers on top, tweeters on the
bottom. The ideal location is to have the center of the speaker (between the
woofer and tweeter) at 80% of the floor-to-ceiling height. (For a standard 8
foot ceiling height the center line would be at 96” x 80% = 76.8” from the
Recommended positioning of surround speakers
3’ min
Point Surround tweeters
mounted down
Horizontally, place the M1 Active Mk2s slightly behind the 90° position, at
110° on each side. Make sure that at the position used, there is still at least 3
feet to the back wall of your studio. If you do not have at least 3 feet to the
back of your studio, then the speakers will work better if placed diagonally in
the rear corner as shown on the next page.