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22 Storing to disk using MIDI
system exclusive data dump
The MMT-8 send to MIDI function is provided so that the data can be stored on a computer, a Yamaha
MDF-1 (MIDI Filer) or a Yamaha DX-7IIFD. The data is sent out as one block of system exclusive data,
with the length being determined by the amount of memory being used. If using the MIDI Filer, no more
than 85% of the memory should be full or else the data will be too large for the MIDI Filer's buffer. No
more than 25% of memory should be full when saving to a DX-7IIFD or its buffer will be filled as well.
The MMT-8 will automatically receive MIDI system exclusive sequence data from any of these devices
without having to select a specific page. If the system exclusive data starts to come in, the display will
This display will remain until the data has been completely loaded, after which the MMT-8 will return to
song 99. Note that any time the MMT-8 receives sequence data from MIDI, any data previously in
memory will be lost.