chapter 4 • applications
PEQ-450 Reference Manual 35
1. Insert the EQ between the mixer’s monitor output and the
monitor amplifier.
2. Slowly and carefully raise the monitor level to the point of
feedback. Notice that it always feeds back at the same frequency
unless the mic is moved a lot. As soon as you hear feedback, turn
the monitor level down, but not off.
3. Set Band 2 to a narrow Q. You can use any band, but I chose
Band 2 for this example.
4. Set Band 2’s Frequency control around where you think the
feedback is occuring. For example, if it’s a high-frequency
feedback, try 6kHz.
5. Slowly raise the Band 2 Gain control while listening for
feedback. If you hear feedback, cut that frequency because you
guessed right.
6. If you don’t hear feedback, keep one hand on the gain control
and use the other to sweep the frequency control until the
monitors feed back. Once you hear feedback, cut that frequency
as much as you can.
If you don’t hear feedback at any frequency using this method, try
boosting the gain a little more or raise the monitor level.