Chapter 5: Editing Mixes
44 QS7/QS8 Reference Manual
The Controllers function (press [100]) lets you turn on and off the various MIDI
controllers that can effect the selected MIDI channel. The following four parameters
determine whether or not specific types of MIDI information will be received or
transmitted, and are set separately for each Channel in the Mix. These, however, are
dependent on how each Channel has its MIDI parameters set (see page 38).
Pitch-bend and Modulation Wheels (On or Off) Page 1
This determines whether or not the selected channel will transmit and receive pitch-
bend and modulation (controller 1) MIDI information.
Aftertouch (On or Off) Page 2
This determines whether or not the selected channel will transmit and receive
aftertouch MIDI information.
Sustain Pedals (On or Off) Page 3
This determines whether or not the selected channel will transmit and receive sustain
pedal (controller 64) MIDI information.
Controllers (On or Off) Page 4
This determines whether or not the selected channel will transmit and receive MIDI
controller information which the Controllers A–D and Pedals 1 & 2 are assigned to
(these are assigned to MIDI controllers in Global Mode, Page 3 and 5).
Each Channel in a Mix can transmit its volume and panning settings via MIDI, if the
“MIDI Program Select” parameter is set to ON (Global Edit Mode, Page 14). Volume
level is sent as MIDI controller #7, and panning is sent as controller #10. If the “MIDI
Program Select” Global parameter is set to ON:
• whenever a Mix is recalled (via the front panel or via MIDI), volume and
panning information will be transmitted;
• whenever a Channel’s “Level” parameter is edited, volume information will be
transmitted as controller #7 on that Channel;
• whenever a Channel’s “Pan” parameter is edited, panning information will be
transmitted as controller #10 on that Channel (except when set to “PROG”).
Note: Panning information will not be transmitted if the Channel’s “Pan“ parameter
is set to PROG (using the selected Program’s stored Pan setting).