44 PowerMonitor 1000 Unit
Rockwell Automation Publication 1408-IN001E-EN-P - September 2013
RS-485 Communication
This function applies to all models.
Your power monitor is set up to communicate via its RS-485 port using a default set of
parameters when you first apply power.
DH-485 protocol is supported in firmware FRN 2.0 and higher. If DH-485 is selected, the data
format is automatically set to 8 / 1 / even. Recommended data rates for DH-485 are 9600 and
Error checking method is Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC). All devices on a multi-drop
RS-485 network must be set at the same data rate and each must be assigned a unique network
Optional Ethernet Network Communication
The power monitor supports simultaneous operation of the optional Ethernet network and
serial ports.
Parameter Description Range Default User Setting
Protocol Setting DF1 Half-duplex Slave
DF1 Full-duplex
Modbus RTU Slave
Auto Sense
DF1 Full-duplex
(1) Delay, Inter Character Timeout parameters have no effect on DH485 protocol
Time between receiving a request
and transmitting a response
0…75 ms 10 ms
Baud Rate Communication bit rate per second 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600
, 38.4k, 57.6k
(2) The baud-rate setting for DH485 should be 9600 or 19.2 k
RS-485 Address Uniquely identifies the power
monitor on a multi-drop network
(3) DH485
Unit ID number
Data Format Data bits / stop bits / parity 8 / 1 / none
8 / 1 / even
8 / 1 / odd
8 / 1 / none
Inter Character
Minimum delay between characters
that indicates the end of a Modbus
message packet
0…6553 ms 0 = 3.5 character
Max Node
1…31 31