PowerMonitor 1000 Unit 35
Rockwell Automation Publication 1408-IN001E-EN-P - September 2013
Use HyperTerminal Communication Tool to Set Up
The HyperTerminal communication tool is an accessory program included with Microsoft
Windows operating system. You may use the HyperTerminal communication tool to set up and
view data on your power monitor as an alternative to on-device display and setup.
Follow these steps to use the HyperTerminal communication tool.
1. Connect the power monitor to your computer with a serial cable.
Refer to Serial Communication
on page 21.
2. Launch the HyperTerminal communication tool.
HyperTerminal communication tool is under the Start Button > Programs > Accessories
> Communications > HyperTerminal.
3. When the HyperTerminal communication tool loads, enter a connection name, select
COM1 (or another available port), select the data rate of the power monitor RS-485
port (default 38400 bits per second) and None as the Flow control.
Everything else should use the defaults as shown in the Port Settings options dialog box.
However, if the port has been used for DH-485 communication, the power monitor
changes the parity to even.
Verify that no other application is using the selected computer communication port.
4. Click Apply and OK when finished.