Allen & Heath 30 ZED-10FX User Guide
Registering your product
Thank you for buying the Allen & Heath ZED-10FX mixer. We hope that you are happy
with it and that you enjoy many years of faithful service with it.
Please go to www.allen-heath.com/register.asp and register your product’s serial number and
your details. By registering with us and becoming an official Registered User, you will ensure
that any warranty claim you might make is actioned quickly and with the minimum delay.
Alternatively, you may either copy or cut off this section of the page, fill in the details, and
return it by mail to:
Allen & Heath Ltd, Kernick Industrial Estate, Penryn, Cornwall TR10 9LU, UK
See more products from ALLEN & HEATH at: www.allen-heath.com
Large Live Sound mixers — iLive digital, ML and GL Series
Small Format Live Sound mixers — ZED, MixWizards and
PA Series
DJ products — Xone Series
Sound Management Series — iDR Series