
1900 07/11 Operation Section 4-46
© 2011 Alamo Group Inc.
Problem Possible Cause Remedy
Cylinder Moves
Spongy or Jerky
ir in oil Identify the source of the Air. Replace Oil if
Required, or cycle the mower several times to
purge the oil
Wrong Oil Used Check Specifications for proper oil, and replace
Oil is cold System must be warmed to at least 40degrees
F for proper operation.
Faulty Pump or Pump drive Check or test then replace or repair as
Workport reliefs set too low Test relief pressure and replace with proper
Work port relief valve.
Cylinder Moves Some
Functions (But Not All)
Faulty Joystick Controller Test the joystick and repair or replace as
Oil Level too low Fill the hydraulic tank as required
Faulty Solenoid valve Test and repair or replace as required
Contamination in valve Flush system and clean the valve as required
Faulty main spool or valve
Replace the valve section
Bad Control Module Replace the module
Incorrect Hose Routing Check for proper hose routing in the Service
manual and correctly install
Incorrect Work port Relief
Check work port relief pressure and replace as
Work Port relief failure Test work port relief pressure and replace if
Cylinder Failure test cylinder, repair or replace as needed
One way Flow restrictor
installed in wrong port, or
Check proper installation in Service Manual.
One way flow restrictors are required on most
Gravity aided functions and both directions of
the swing functions
Pump Worn out test to confirm, repair or replace as required
Air in oil Locate the source of the air and repair. Flush
and fill oil as required
Engine RPM too slow rated rpm is 540 PTO speed as indicated on
the tachometer
Cylinder Rod Bent
Operator Abuse Operator training, Travel speed too fast, or
impact with solid objects while mowing
Misalignment of Cylinder
Lugs (bent boom)
Operator abuse, Excessive loading of boom
Work Port Relief improper
setting or failure
Check for proper setting. Replace as needed
Interference with another
Operator abuse or components interfering with
boom movement