
© 2003 Alamo Group Inc.
Section 4 - 17
A-Boom(JD 6615/ 7615 Asy Instruction Manual) 07/03
Frame Rail Installation
Tack Welding Frame Rails:
1. Tack Weld Frame Rails to Front Mount-
ing Pads. Check to make sure that the Frame
rail is still aligned on front rail Mounting Pad,
Frame Rail should not interfere with the Mount-
ing Pad bolt heads Check the LH and RH
Frame rail (See Figure 35). If alignment is
correct Tack Weld the Frame Rails to the Front
Rail Mounting Pads. (See Figure 32). When
tack Welding use 4 good tack welds per Frame
rail, 2 on each side of Tube. (See Figure 37).
The C- Clamp on The Frame Rail Tube at the
mounting pad can be left on till later.
2. Tack Weld Frame rails to Frame Rail
Stiffener. Tack Weld the frame Stiffener Brack-
ets to the Frame Rails, but be sure you DO
NOT tack Weld the Stabilizer Gusset at this
time (See Figure 38). The reason for not
welding the stabilizer gusset at this time is
because it would make it more difficult for you
when you remove the High Frame and Frame
rails for final welding. The Tube Crossmember
of the Frame Stabilizer can be removed now.
Remove the four mounting bolts and slide the
Tube forward or back to get it out. (See Figure
3. Go back and check to make sure you
have tack welded the Frame Rail to Mounting
Plate and Stabilizer to Frame Rail (See Fig-
ures 31 through 39).
Figure 35
Figure 37
Figure 36
Tack Weld 2 places each
side of Frame Rail
Tack Weld Here
Gap Between
Frame Rail & Bolt
Figure 38
Tack Weld 4
places on
each side
Stablizer Gusset