
SAMURAI 12/08 Operation Section 3-39
©2008 Alamo Group Inc.
The Flail Brush Cutter is rated to cut material
up to 4” in diameter.
Setting cutting height ranges from 3/4” to 6”.
Cutting height is set by adjusting the height of
the roller assembly.
Remove roller assembly when cutting limbs
and other large diameter vegetation (greater
than 2”) to prevent damaging the roller
When operating near the ground or when
mulching be particularly careful that there are
no bystanders or animals within a 100 yards.
Debri tends to fly out at great speed and can
injure or even cause death. OPS-B- 0042
Tree Limb Cutter
The BuzzBar Tree Limb Cutter is rated for
material up to 4” in diameter.
Suggested cutting Speed for the Buzzbar is 1st
gear. Slow down for thick, dense, or hard
Always cut with the boom positioned
perpinducular to the limbs being cut (see
diagram). Cutting with the boom swing
backward or forward will cause the blades to
warp from “raking” through the cut material.
For maximum blade life, do not allow the
blades to contact hard items such as the
ground or metal objects.
Check belt tension daily.If belts start to slip
adjust tension soon. The more belt slippage,
the more they will wear and looser they
Grease bearings of saw blade spindles daily.
Two pumps from hand grease gun.
When operating the unit be sure there are no
bystanders or animals with in 100 yards of the
OPS-B- 0043