© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
Section 5 - 2
Switch Blade (JD-5105-5205-5225-5325-5425-5525, Asy. Man) 05/05
Item Part No. Qty. Description
02982077 -- Valve Asy. W/ Fittings
02974306 -- Valve Asy. W/O Fittings
1. 02976934 2 Unload Plunger
2. 02966645 2 Poppet Asy.
3. 02966646 1 Spacer
4. 02976933 2 Spool
5. 02966648 4 Seat Asy.
6. 02966649 2 Plug Asy.
7. 02966650 2 Plug Asy.
8. 02966651 2 Bushing
9. 02966652 2 Lockout Spring
10. 02966653 1 Cap Asy.
11. 02966654 1 Plug Asy.
12. 02976932 1 Body
13. 02976931 1 Poppet
14. 02976930 1 Seat
15. 02966657 4 O-Ring
16. 02966658 2 Retaining Ring
17. 02966659 A/R Washer
18. 02966660 A/R Washer
19. 02966661 A/R Washer
20. 02966662 1 Washer
Item Part No. Qty. Description
21. 02976946 1 Cap Asy.
22. 02976945 4 Spring
23. 02966669 1 Spring
24. 02976944 2 Plug Asy.
25. 02976943 1 Washer
26. 02976942 1 Washer
27. 02976941 3 Ball
28. 02976940 1 Spring
29. 02976939 1 Spring
30. 02976938 1 Cone
31. 02976937 1 Spacer
32. 02976936 1 Adapter Cap
33. 02976935 A/R Washer
34. 02966671 2 Wiper Seal
35. 02976957 2 Handle Kit
36. 02968850 2 Adapter,Straight
8MB - 6MJ
37. 03200284 2 Adapter,Straight
6MB - 4MJ
38. 02965166 2 Adapter,Tee
6FJX - 6MJ - 6MJ
39. 02982479 2 Adapter, Straight
4MB - 6FJX
Two Spool Control Valve:
The two spool valve assembly shown (See Figure 13) shows the components that are
replaceable in the two spool control valve. Study the drawings, the torque specification if any are listed
for figure 12. The fittings are shown in figure
1 & 2. When working on valve always clean the
exterior of the valve and hoses before discon-
necting them. After disconnecting the hoses
cap them with clean caps to keep contamina-
tion out of hydraulic system. When disassem-
bling the valve make certain the OD of it and all
work areas are clean, do not use dirty tools or
rags that will leave lint. Only lint free towels
(paper or suitable type) can be used to wipe
down the hydraulic system. If any components
need to be held in the valve body during assem-
bly petroleum jelly can be used. DO NOT Ex-
ceed the recommended torque setting listed in
figure 12. When removing plug item 11 watch
the qty of washers that are removed, this amount
is what should be started with when reassem-
bling plug.
Control Valve & Valve Controls Installation
Figure 1