GRASS KING 03/09 Operation Section 4-29
© 2009 Alamo Group Inc.
When operating the tractor and mower across slopes and inclines, through ditches, and other uneven terrain
conditions, it is important to maintain sufficient deck to ground clearance. Blade contact with the ground may
cause soil, rocks and other debris to be thrown out from under the mower resulting in possible injury and/or
property damage. Ground contact also produces a severe shock load on the mower drive and to the mower
blades resulting in possible damage and premature wear.
When confronted with an incline or ditch, do not
approach from an angle which is perpendicular
or straight on as damage to over collapse of the
driveline may occur.
When crossing such terrain, the wings should be
fully lowered for a lower center of gravity and
added stability.
Inclines and ditches should be approached
along a line which is at an angle as shown. This
type of path will reduce the possibility of
over-collapse of the driveline and resulting
damage. If the gradient is so steep that such
as approach increases the possibility of a tractor
roll-over, select an alternate crossing path.
INCORRECT: DO NOT approach ditch straight on.
CORRECT: Approach ditch at an angle.