PA92 04/09 Assembly Section 3-8
© 2009 Alamo Group Inc.
The 3 lever control unit which is cable operated is mounted on an adjustable stalk that is attached to a seat
bracket which is of universal design for mounting in many models of tractor. The bracket is normally trapped
between the seat runners and their mounting base. It may sometimes be necessary to drill extra holes in the
seat bracket to find the ideal operator position.
On tractors other than quiet cab models, the stalk can be bent and bolted to the mudwing or the cladding of the
cab ensuring no structural member of the safety frame is drilled.
The control unit itself is bolted to an angled mounting bracket in either a transverse or longitudinal position thus
giving a variety of mounting position, which in conjunction with flexibility of the mounting pillar will enable a
satisfactory working position to be achieved.
Shown above is detail of alternative fitting of the mounting spigot. In deciding the final of the control box,
remember that tight bends in the cables will reduce their operational life. Do not exceed the minimum
acceptable bend radii of 8”.
The handles may be screwed into alternative holes in the levers to give an “in line” installation should it be