
RX96 03/09 Operation Section 4-47
© 2009 Alamo Group Inc.
Needle Rollers have Load too high for joint. Check for small joint angles.
brinelled into Cup and Cross Use protective device.
Check joint angles and phasing.
Shaft or Tube Twisted Over-loaded. Replace part and then slow down or
or raise Mower. Use protective device.
Toke broken at Ear Tip Over-loaded. Replace part.
Slip Clutch slipping Excessive load. Reduce speed and/or raise cutter.
Springs weak. Replace Springs.
Improper adjustment. Re-adjust Slip Clutch
Too much power for Reduce ground speed and
Slip Clutch. material intake.
Friction Facings worn. Replace Facings.
Oil on Facings. Replace Facings.
Friction Facings glazed. Clean with emery cloth.
Oil blowing out Vent Plug Flat bottomed Vent Plug Replace with proper Vent Plug.
or shallow cavity Plug. Cavity in Oil Plug should be
approximately 5/8".
Oil level too high. Lower oil level to Plug.
Driveline Integral Shields Integral Shields deformed. Replace Shield.
rattling or not turning freely Nylon Bearing worn. Replace Nylon Bearing.