
SL60 03/08 Operation Section 4-25
© 2008 Alamo Group Inc
Use extreme caution when raising the Mower above ground level. Stop the Blades from
turning when the Mower is raised and passersby are within 100 yards. Raising the
Mower exposes the Cutting Blades which creates a potentially serious hazard and can
cause serious injury by objects thrown from the Blades or by contact with the Blades.
Do not put hands or feet under mower decks. Blade Contact can result
in serious injury or even death. Stay away until all motion has stopped
and the decks are securely blocked up.
9.4 Operating Speed and Ground Speed
Ground speed for mowing will depend upon the height, type, and density of vegetation to be cut. Recom-
mended speed for efficient mower performance is between 2 and 5 mph. Operate the mower at its full rated
speed to maintain blade speed for a clean cut. Refer to the skid steer operator’s manual and its instrument
panel for the engine speed required to provide the rated operating speed. Make sure that the mower is oper-
ating at its full rated speed before entering the vegetation to be cut. If it becomes necessary to temporarily
regulate engine speed, increase or decrease the throttle gradually.
Ground speed is achieved by transmission speed and not by the engine speed. The operator may be
required to experiment to determine the best travel speed which provides the best performance from the
mower and most efficient skid steer operation. As the severity of cutting conditions increase, the ground
speed should be decreased while maintaining the rated mower operating speed. OPS-SS-0012
The Mower shaft speed must not - UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES - exceed 1150 RPM.
Mow at the speed that you can safely operate and control the Power Unit and Mower. Safe
mowing speed depends on terrain condition and grass type, density, and height of cut. Nor-
mal ground speed range is from 0 to 5 mph. Use slow mowing speeds when operating on
or near steep slopes, ditches, drop-offs, overhead obstructions, power lines, or when debris
and foreign objects are to be avoided.