
© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
Alamo Industrial ™ Technical Services Department
1502 East Walnut
Seguin, Texas 78155
Models: Machete Boom, MB21-01109 & Down
MB24-01046 & Down
Apr. 10, 2001
Bulletin No:
This document does not authorize the repair or replacement of parts under warranty
Filter Kit to Update Control Valve System (Kit P/N 02977366):
There is now available for purchase, a filter kit for Machete units that utilize the Apitech valve.
The Apitech valve was the control valve used before the now current Danfoss valve. You can
differentiate the type valve in two ways. The first is by serial number. The Machete units PRE-Date
the following serial numbers, utilize the Apitech Valve: MB21-01109 & Down, MB24-01046 & Down.
The second way is by visually inspecting the unit. The Apitech valve will have electronic Solenoids
on both the pressure and return sides of the valve, as well as electronic connections on each
solenoid. The Danfoss Control Valve only has electronic connectors on one side. Install the Filter as
described by the Assembly Drawing ( Drawing P/N 02977367) that you will receive when you order
the Filter Kit (Kit P/N 02977366) for the Machete Unit
When to Change Filter:
Inspect the visual indicator when the system is operating at normal operating temperature
and under normal flow conditions. When red starts to enter the indicator window, change the element.
This will occur prior to bypass by the filter.
Element Service Procedure:
1. Shut System down a disable tractor so it cannot be started. Let Oil cool to a safe temperature.
2. Place a suitable container under the filter to catch any spillage.
3. Unscrew the filter bowl using the wrench flats at the bottom of bowl. Remove the bowl and
drain the oil into the container.
4. Pull the element (P/N 02976067) off the adapter an discard it.
5. Remove the head to bowl seal and discard. Clean the seal area with a lint free cloth. Install
the new seals as shown taking care not to cut the new seals.
6. Install the new element onto the element adapter boss.
7. Thoroughly clean the filter bowl and fill approximately one half full with clean oil.
8. Screw the Bowl onto the head. Torque the bowl to 30 ft. lbs.
9. Operate the system to expel any trapped air and check for leaks.
10. Check and fill the tractor oil level as required.