AL2094S Designers Guide
Doc. No. DG_2094E Altec Electronic AG Seite 8 / 30
1.3.5 Synchronous Access Mode (SAM) - Video Conferencing
V.80 Synchronous Access Mode between the modem and the host/DTE is provided for host-
controlled communication protocols, e.g., H.324 video conferencing applications. Voice-call-
first (VCF) before switching to a videophone call is also supported.
1.3.6 Worldwide Operation
The modem operates in TBR21-compliant and other countries. Country-dependent modem
parameters for functions such as dialing, carrier transmit level, calling tone, call progress
tone detection, answer tone detection, blacklisting, caller ID, and relay control are
SmartDAA technology allows a single PCB design and single BOM to be homologated
worldwide. Advanced features such as extension pickup detection, remote hang-up
detection, line-in-use detection, and digital PBX detection are supported. Country code IDs
are defined by ITU-T T.35.
Internal ROM includes default profiles for 29 countries including TBR21-compliant profiles.
Additional country profiles can be stored in internal SRAM (request additional country
profiles from a Conexant Sales Office). Duplicate country profiles stored in internal SRAM
will override the profiles in internal RAM firmware. The default countries supported are listed
in Table 1-2.