
Alti-IP 600H Manual 13
IMPORTANT! Please note that the configuration in AltiWare will
override the Alti-IP 600H phone’s local configuration after the IP
Phone is registered. If the IP phone’s local configuration is changed
while in Basic mode, these changes will be overwritten by
AltiAdmin/ACM Admin settings. Also, after the IP Phone is
successfully registered with the system, the IP phone will overwrite
the AltiWare IP address and network-related settings on the server.
p Status
When enabled, allows the Alti-IP 600 phone to display
workgroup queue status. While the agent is in idle state, the first
line of the LCD displays the number of queued calls, the current
longest queue time, and the last four digits of the workgroup
number; the second line shows the agent state.
H.323 Allows you to set the Jitter Buffer in milliseconds, the delay
used to buffer voice packets received from the IP network. The
Jitter Buffer should be adjusted according to the WAN
bandwidth allocated to data traffic.
To allow NAT support for the IP extension, check the Enable
NAT button and enter the public IP address of the NAT router.
Offset - a per phone-based configuration, allows the phone to
display a different time based on location.
Format - a per-phone-based configuration, allows the phone
to display 24 hour or 12 hour (AM/PM).
TFTP Allows you to assign the TFTP Server to which the IP phone can
connect to for updating firmware when necessary. Enter the IP
address of the TFTP Server in the Server field.
To update IP phone image, the administrator can check the Reset
IP Phone and Boot Download check box options to reset and
download image to update the phone.
Debug When enabled, allows the Alti-IP 600 phone to connect to Telnet
for debugging.
Parameter Description