After sending the command above, the contents
of Subroutine 1 will be as follows:
ON1C3, ON2C3, LED1=1,ON3C3, ON4C3
Command Format: {WRSn=&…&}
Sn = Subroutine ID (n = # from 1 to 180)
& = Continuity of the function
NOTE: The "&" is NOT needed at the
beginning or end of a function
definition, and should NOT be used.
WARNING: No other functions may be defined
while building a function using multiple keys.
Once the controller encounters an "&", it will join
the function pieces together until an
end-of-function is encountered. For example,
{WRS12=I1&,OFF1C4} would turn off Output 1
of C4, but the beginning of the matrix command
would no longer be valid. Likewise, the following
would NOT work for matrix functions:
{WRS22=&O1&,ON1C2} or
Matrix Functions, Example 1:
Split the function for I1O2C3 into 2 different
subroutines, SUB13 and SUB30. Use the
following commands to connect Input 1 to
Output 2 on C3:
{WRS13=I1&} and {WRS30=&O2C3}.
Press two keys to execute the function. First
press Key 13 for SUB13 and then Key 30 for
SUB30. The command will build as follows:
I1& + &02C3 = I1O2C3
The "&" informs the controller that the function
pieces are to be joined together. When joined
together, the function pieces must define a legal
command or the function will be ignored.
Matrix Functions, Example 2:
Split the function for I1O2C3 into three different
subroutines, S13, S30, and S11. Use the
following commands:
Press 3 keys to execute the function. The first
key pressed should be assigned to SUB13, the
second to SUB30 and the third to SUB11. The
command will build as follows:
I1& + &02& + &C3 = I1O2C3
The "&" informs the controller that the function
pieces are to be joined together. When joined
together, the function pieces must define a legal
command or the function will be ignored.
NOTE: Once again, if any other commands are
issued anytime before a legal command is
completed, the matrix command in process will
be destroyed and ignored.
51. {WRS=S}
This command allows a subroutine to call the
functions stored in other subroutines instead of
writing the functions to the subroutine.
Command Format: {WRSn=S
n = Sub ID (n = # from 1 to 180)
... = Sub no. (reference up to 10 subs)
Set SUB100 to execute subroutines 10, 20, 30,
40, and 50 by sending the command
{WRS100=S10,S20,S30,S40,S50}. When
SUB100 is executed, all the functions stored in
subroutines 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 will be