Care and Cleaning (cont'd)
Caring for the smoothtop
For routinecleaning,allowtop tocool beforecleansing.Wash surface witha dampened cloth and smoothtopcleaner
conditioner. Use another clean damp paper towel towipe offthe cleaner. Use a drypapertowel, buff the smoothtop
tomake sure all the cleaner conditioner isremoved. The smoothtopcleanerconditioner providesa thinlayer of
protectivepolishthat helpstoprevent scratching.Do notuse a harsh cleanseror steelwoolpad. For specific
problems,see below.
Brown streaks
and specks
burnt on spots
Fine brown gray
lines, fine
scratches or
Smearing or
Metal or
Pitting or flaking
Hard water
Cleaning with spongeor cloth containing Normalcleansing (providedabove)
soiled detergentwater
Spatters or spilloverson a hotcookingarea or
accidental meltingofplasticlike a broad bag
Course particles, likesalt, become embedded
in topif trappedunder pan. Usingabrasive
cleaning materials. Scratchesfrom rough
ceramic, glass,or ceramic coated cookware.
Using too much smoothtopcleaner conditioner
or usinga soileddish cloth.
Slidingor scrapingmetal utensilsacrosstop.
Believers of sugar syrup on a hot smoothtop
can cause pitting if not removed immediately.
Condensationfrom cookingcan cause
mineralsfound in water and acids infood to
drip ontosmoothtop andcause graydeposits.
Spots are oftensothin theyappear to be inor
under smoothtop.
Clean area with smoothtopcleaner conditioner
with clean damp papertowel, nonabrasive nylon
rsd, or scouringbrush.
Ifspot is not removed,on cool cooktopcarefully
scrape area witha safety scraper heldat a 30-
degree angle.
Fine scratches are not removable but can be
minimized bydaily usa of smoothtop cleaner
Followlabel instructionscarefully. See Routine
Cleaning, above.
Remove marksbefore topisused again. If marks
are not removedby normalcleaning,usea safety
scraper at a 30° angle and cooktopcleaner
conditionertocarefully scrape offthe mark.
Turn control to LOW setting. Wipe up excess spill
with dry cloth. Allow top to cool and carefully
scrape area with a safety scraper held at a 30-
degree angle.
Mixsmoothtopcleaner conditionerwithwater and
apply thickpaste tostained area. Scrub
vigorously.Ifstain isnot removed, raapplycleaner
and repeat process
makesure the surface iscooland puta small
amount ofwhite vinegar on the spotand let itsita
few minutes. Usinga nonabrasivenylonpad,
gently rubthe spot.Wipe offany excess with a
damp paper towel, thendry.