
3-3 Using the Telnet
The WL1100B-AR Wireless LAN Access Router can be configured via the command prompt
console with TCP/IP:
Telnet (TCP/IP) Connection: Assign an IP address to your WL1100B-AR Wireless LAN
Access Router through the RS232 connection or Access Point Utility and then telnet to the
WL1100B-AR Wireless LAN Access Router anywhere to get access to the WL1100B-AR
Wireless LAN Access Router console. Thus, you will be able to make the configuration via
the TCP/IP connection.
1. Telnet to your WL1100B-AR Wireless LAN Access Router. A window will show up.
2. Enter the password. The default password is “default”.
3-2-1 Basic Commands
The following are the commands provided for configuring the WL1100B-AR Wireless LAN
Access Router. In loader mode, i.e., no valid firmware in the WL1100B-AR Wireless LAN
Access Router, only the commands with an asterisk (*) are provided.
NOTE: [xxx] stands for optional arguments.