Reset Video controller
Keyboard controller init
Test the Keyboard
Initilized the mouse
5B Cmos Check Check Cmos Circuitry and reset CMOS
5C Chipset default
Program the chipset registers with
CMOS values. Init onboard clock
5D Identify the CPU Check the CPU ID and init L1/L2 cache
5E Setup Interrupt
Vector Table
Initialize first 120 interrupt
vectors with SPURIOUS_INT_HDLR and
INT 00h-1Fh according to INT_TBL
First step initialize if single CPU
Onboard. Re-init KB
If support HPM, HPM get initialized
5F Test CMOS
Interface and
Battery status
Verifies CMOS is working correctly,
detects bad battery. If failed, load
CMOS defaults and load into chipset
60 KBC final Init Final Initial KBC and setup BIOS data
61 Initialize Video
Read CMOS location 14h to find out
type of video in use.
Detect and Initialize Video Adapter.
62 Video memory test Test video memory, write sign-on
message to screen.
Setup shadow RAM - Enable shadow
according to Setup.
63 Setup PS2 mouse and
test DMA
Setup PS2 Mouse and reset KB
Test DMA channel 0
64 Test 8259 Test 8259 channel 1 and mask IRQ 9
65 Init Boot Device Detect if mouse is present,
initialize mouse, install interrupt
Special treatment to PS2 Mouse port
ACPI sub-system initializing
Initialize cache controller.
66 Install Boot
Enter setup check and auto-
configuration check up
Initialize floppy disk drive
controller and any drives.
Install FDD and setup BIOS data area
Parameters Initialize hard drive
controller and any drives.
IDE device detection and install
67 Cache Init Cache init and USB init
68 PM init PM initialization
69 PM final Init and
issue SMI
Final init Before resume
FF Full on
BootBlock POST Codes
Code(hex) Name Description
1 Base memory test Clear base memory area
5 KB init Initialized KBC
12 Install interrupt
Install int. vector (0-77), and
initialized 00-1fh to their
proper place
0D Init Video Video initializing
41 Init FDD
can floppy and media capacity for onboard