OR Logical inclusive OR byte or word
OUT Output byte or word
POP Pop word off stack
POPA Pop all general register off stack
POPF Pop flags off stack
PUSH Push word onto stack
PUSHA Push all general registers onto stack
PUSHF Push flags onto stack
RCL Rotate left through carry byte or word
RCR Rotate right through carry byte or word
REP Repeat
REPE/REPZ Repeat while equal/zero
Repeat while not equal/not zero
RET0 Return from procedure
ROL Rotate left byte or word
ROR Rotate right byte or word
SAHF Store AH register in flags SF, ZF, AF, PF, and CF
SAL Shift left arithmetic byte or word
SAR Shift right arithmetic byte or word
SBB Subtract byte or word with borrow
SCAS Scan byte or word string
SHL Shift left logical byte or word
SHR Shift right logical byte or word
STC Set carry flag
STD Set direction flag
STI Set interrupt-enable flag
STOS Store byte or word string
SUB Subtract byte or word
TEST Test (logical AND, flags only set) byte or word
XCHG Exchange byte or word
XLAT Translate byte
XOR Logical exclusive OR byte or word
Mnemonic Instruction Name