556 AMD Geodeā¢ LX Processors Data Book
GeodeLinkā¢ Control Processor Register Descriptions
The PW1 pin (66 MHz PCI) is wired directly to the COREDIV and GLDIV signals during reset. The IRQ13 pin (stall after
reset) has no effect on the PLL controls but is still stored in the BOOTSTRAP bits (MSR 4C000018h[7:1]). Table 6-87
shows examples of reset values when PW1 and/or IRQ13 are high during reset. The hard reset state of this register always
leaves the PLL in bypass mode. The BIOS must clear the bypass bits in order to achieve the desired frequency.
Table 6-87. Bootstrap Bit Settings and Reset State of GLCP_SYS_RSTPLL (PW1 and IRQ13 = 0)
same as GLCP_SYS_RSTPLL[7:1]
CPU Core
CPU Core
Reset Value
0000000 Bypass 11 Bypass 7 00000396_00001800h
0000001 166 4 166 4 00000208_03001802h
0000010 200 5 200 5 0000028A_03001804h
0000011 266 7 200 5 0000028E_03001806h
0000100 266 7 266 7 0000038E_03001808h
0000101 333 9 200 5 00000292_0300180Ah
0000110 333 9 266 7 00000392_0300180Ch
0000111 333 9 333 9 00000492_0300180Eh
0001000 366 10 200 5 00000294_03001810h
0001001 366 10 266 7 00000394_03001812h
0001010 366 10 333 9 00000494_03001814h
0001011 400 11 200 5 00000296_03001816h
0001100 400 11 266 7 00000396_03001818h
0001101 400 11 333 9 00000496_0300181Ah
0001110 400 11 400 11 00000596_0300181Ch
0001111 433 12 266 7 00000398_0300181Eh
0010000 433 12 333 9 00000498_03001820h
0010001 433 12 400 11 00000598_03001822h
0010010 466 13 266 7 0000039A_03001824h
0010011 466 13 333 9 0000049A_03001826h
0010100 466 13 400 11 0000059A_03001828h
0010101 500 14 266 7 0000039C_0300182Ah
0010110 500 14 333 9 0000049C_0300182Ch
0010111 500 14 400 11 0000059C_0300182Eh
0011000 533 15 266 7 0000039E_03001830h
0011001 533 15 333 9 0000049E_03001832h
0011010 533 15 400 11 0000059E_030001834h
0011011 600 17 200 5 000002A2_03001836h
0011100 566 16 333 9 000004A0_03001838h
0011101 566 16 400 11 000005A0_0300183Ah
0011110 600 17 333 9 000004A2_0300003Ch
0011111 600 17 400 11 000005A2_0300183Eh