AMD Geode™ SC1200/SC1201 Processor Data Book 49
Signal Definitions
3.4 Signal Descriptions
Information in the tables that follow may have duplicate information in multiple tables. Multiple references all contain identi-
cal information.
3.4.1 System Interface
Signal Name Ball No. Type Description Mux
CLKSEL1 AF3 I Fast-PCI Clock Selects. These strap signals are used to
set the internal Fast-PCI clock.
00 = 33.3 MHz
01 = 48 MHz
10 = 66.7 MHz
11 = 33.3 MHz
During system reset, an internal pull-down resistor of 100
KΩ exists on these balls. An external pull-up or pull-down
resistor of 1.5 KΩ must be used.
CLKSEL3 P30 I Maximum Core Clock Multiplier. These strap signals
are used to set the maximum allowed multiplier value for
the core clock.
During system reset, an internal pull-down resistor of 100
KΩ exists on these balls. An external pull-up or pull-down
resistor of 1.5 KΩ must be used.
BOOT16 C8 I Boot ROM is 16 Bits Wide. This strap signal enables
the optional 16-bit wide Sub-ISA bus.
During system reset, an internal pull-down resistor of 100
KΩ exists on these balls. An external pull-up or pull-down
resistor of 1.5 KΩ must be used.
LPC_ROM D6 I LPC ROM. This strap signal forces selecting of the LPC
bus and sets bit F0BAR1+I/O Offset 10h[15], LPC ROM
Addressing Enable. It enables the SC1200/SC1201 pro-
cessor to boot from a ROM connected to the LPC bus.
During system reset, an internal pull-down resistor of 100
KΩ exists on these balls. An external pull-up or pull-down
resistor of 1.5 KΩ must be used.
TFT_PRSNT P29 I TFT Present. A strap used to select multiplexing of TFT
signals at power-up. Enables using TFT instead of Paral-
lel Port, ACB1, and GPIO17.
During system reset, an internal pull-down resistor of 100
KΩ exists on these balls. An external pull-up or pull-down
resistor of 1.5 KΩ must be used.
FPCI_MON A4 I Fast-PCI Monitoring. The strap on this ball forces selec-
tion of Fast-PCI monitoring signals. For normal operation,
strap this signal low using a 1.5 KΩ resistor. The value of
this strap can be read at MCR[30].
DID1 C6 I Device ID. Together, the straps on these signals define
the system-level chip ID.
The value of DID1 can be read in the MCR[29]. The
value of DID0 can be read in the MCR[31].
DID1 and DID0 should be connected to a 1.5 KΩ pull-
down resistor to ensure a low level at power-up.
POR# AH9 I Power On Reset. POR# is the system reset signal gen-
erated from the power supply to indicate that the system
should be reset.