
AMD Geode™ SC3200 Processor Data Book 117
SuperI/O Module
Table 5-30. Bank 1 - CEIR Wakeup Configuration and Control Registers
Bit Description
Bank 1, Offset 03h CEIR Wakeup Control Register - IRWCR (R/W) Reset Value: 00h
This register is set to 00h on power-up of V
or software reset.
7:6 Reserved.
5:4 CEIR Protocol Select.
00: RC5
1x: Reserved
3 Reserved.
2 Invert IRRX Input.
0: Not inverted. (Default)
1: Inverted.
1 Reserved.
0 CEIR Enable.
0: Disable. (Default)
1: Enable.
Bank 1, Offset 04h Reserved
Bank 1, Offset 05h CEIR Wakeup Address Register - IRWAD (R/W) Reset Value: 00h
This register defines the station address to be compared with the address contained in the incoming CEIR message. If CEIR is enabled
(bit 0 of the IRWCR register is 1) and an address match occurs, then bit 5 of the WKSR register is set to 1.
This register is set to 00h on power-up of V
or software reset.
7:0 CEIR Wakeup Address
Bank 1, Offset 06h CEIR Wakeup Mask Register - IRWAM (R/W) Reset Value: E0h
Each bit in this register determines whether the corresponding bit in the IRWAD register takes part in the address comparison. Bits 5, 6,
and 7 must be set to 1 if the RC-5 protocol is selected.
This register is set to E0h on power-up of V
or software reset.
7:0 CEIR Wakeup Address Mask.
If the corresponding bit is 0, the address bit is not masked (enabled for compare).
If the corresponding bit is 1, the address bit is masked (ignored during compare).
Bank 1, Offset 07h CEIR Address Shift Register - ADSR (RO) Reset Value: 00h
This register holds the received address to be compared with the address contained in the IRWAD register.
This register is set to 00h on power-up of V
or software reset.
7:0 CEIR Address.
CEIR Wakeup Range 0 Registers
These two registers (IRWTR0L and IRWTR0H) define the low and high limits of time range 0 (see Table 5-26 on page 114). The values
are represented in units of 0.1 ms.
RC-5 protocol: The bit cell width must fall within this range for the cell to be considered valid. The nominal cell width is 1.778 ms for a
36 KHz carrier. IRWTR0L and IRWTR0H should be set to 10h and 14h, respectively. (Default)
NEC protocol: The time distance between two consecutive CEIR pulses that encodes a bit value of 0 must fall within this range. The
nominal distance for a 0 is 1.125 ms for a 38 KHz carrier. IRWTR0L and IRWTR0H should be set to 09h and 0Dh, respectively.
Bank 1, Offset 08h IRWTR0L Register (R/W) Reset Value: 10h
This register is set to 10h on power-up of V
or software reset.
7:5 Reserved.
4:0 CEIR Pulse Change, Range 0, Low Limit.
Bank 1, Offset 09h IRWTR0H Register (R/W) Reset Value: 14h
This register is set to 14h on power-up of V
or software reset.
7:5 Reserved.
4:0 CEIR Pulse Change, Range 0, High Limit.