• Replay Loop
The RELOOP (16) function allows you to return to your stored loop at any time. The IN/R CUE (12) and
OUT/EXIT (14) LEDs will indicate a loop is stored in memory, and may be played at any time. To replay the
loop, press the RELOOP BUTTON (16). The IN/R. CUE (12) and OUT/EXIT (14) LEDs will again begin to flash
indicating SEAMLESS LOOP mode has been activated (Fig. 14) and your stored loop will immediately begin to
Please note you can only edit the ending point of the loop. You may make your loop shorter or longer. Before
you can edit your seamless loop you obviously must first have created a seamless loop to edit. If you haven’t
created a SEAMLESS LOOP, follow instructions on page 11 “creating and play a seamless loop”. If a SEAM-
LESS LOOP has already been created, press the RELOOP BUTTON (16) to restart your SEAMLESS LOOP
(Fig. 14) if is not already playing. To edit your seamless loop’s ending point:
1) Press the OUT/EXIT BUTTON (14) to return to normal play from the the loops cue point. (Fig. 13). This will
disengage the SEAMLESS LOOP mode and allows you to edit the loops ending point.
2) Press the OUT/EXIT BUTTON (14) again when you reach your new ending point (Fig. 13).
3) FOR A SHORTER LOOP: Press the OUT/EXIT BUTTON (14) at sooner point in the track.
4) FOR LONGER LOOP: Press the OUT/EXIT BUTTON (14) at later point in the track.
During normal playback, pressing the TIME BUTTON (6), will change the display time display information (44)
to one of the following settings:
1) ELAPSED - This describes the current tracks elapse running time (45).
2) REMAIN - This describes the track remaining running time (36).
3) TOTAL - This indicator along with REMAIN will glow simultaneously indicating the total remaining running
time of the load disc (35).
TIME BAR INDICATOR - Shows the time length defined in the TIME METER (44). As with the TIME METER
(44) this bar is also dependent on the selected function displayed above the TIME METER as TOTAL REMAIN
(35), REMAIN (36) OR ELAPSE (45). This bar will also begin to flash when a track is ending regardless of which
time function you are in.
This function will provide a momentarily increases or decreases the tracks playback speed. There are two ways
to operate this function with the (-) & (+) PITCH BUTTONS (13 & 20) or with the JOG WHEEL (7). The SLID-
ERS PITCH ADJUSTMENT (18) can be changed from +/-8%, +/-12%, or +/-16% range (See changing PITCH
PERCENTAGE Page 8 Sec 9) and the pitch bending will work in conjunction with the PITCH SLIDER (18) pitch
setting. For example, if the PITCH SLIDER (18) is set to a 2% pitch gain the pitch bending process will begin
at 2% and will continue to the maximum of -/+16%.
The (+) PITCH BEND (13) button will provide a speed bump and the (-) PITCH BEND (20) button will provide
a slow down. The extent to which the speed changes is proportionate to the amount of time the button is
pressed. For example, if the (+) PITCH BEND BUTTON (13) is held down continuously, the disc speed will
increases and will continue to increase until reaches a maximum of 16% speed gain. When you release the (+)
PITCH BEND BUTTON (13) the disc speed will automatically return to it’s previous speed.
The JOG WHEEL (7) will temporarily bend the pitch if a track is in play mode. Rotating the wheel in a clock-
wise direction will increase your track pitch and rotating the wheel in a counter-clockwise direction will slow your
track pitch. The speed you rotate the JOG WHEEL (7) will determine pitch bend percentage (%).
This operation allows you to customize your disc playback. You may select specific tracks to played and the
order they will be played in. You may program a maximum of 20 tracks at once and program a single track to
American DJ