©American Audio® - www.AmericanAudio.us - CDI-500™ Instruction Manual Page 30
Figure 48
Figure 50
HOLD BUTTON: Use the HOLD BUTTON (19) to lock your customized
parameters. If the hold button is not activated any changes to your param
eters will be momentary. To activate the hold function press the
BUTTON (19) as in figure 50. When the hold function becomes activated,
the hold button will begin to glow red.
All the effects have adjustable parameters. The parameters change the way
the effects will react. To enter the parameter menus for any of the effects,
press or turn either of the two PARAMETER KNOBS (25 OR 29). When the
parameter mode is selected the time display in the LCD (30) will change to
indicate the parameter your are adjusting. All effects except the pan effect
have two adjustable parameters. PARAMETER TIME (29) and PARAMETER
RATIO (25). Use these knobs to customize the effects to your liking.
Figure 49
TRANS/PAN EFFECT: The Trans effect simulates a real-time mixer trans-
former effect. When the "Transformer" effect is activated the TRANS LED
will flash green, when the "Pan" effect is selected the PAN LED will flash
blue. The Pan effect allows you to pan the output from the left channel to
the right channel.
TRANS EFFECT: The Trans effect has two adjustable parameters,
Parameter Time and Parameter Ratio. The PT will adjust the Trans Speed
and The PR will adjust the Trans Audio Length. The lower the PT value the
faster the Trans effect (PT 0500 = 1/2 second, PT 1000 = 1 second).
PAN EFFECT: The Pan effect uses the PT value to pan left to Right. PT
0500 is the default setting which is center pan. The Pan Value ranges from
10ms to ten seconds.