1. Fault in sail switch circuit ...
a. Sail switch out of adjustment and/or has failed.
b. Sail switch is not closing or is fluttering ...
1) Check blower (impellor / fan) motor and rotation direction.
2) Restriction in exhaust.
2. Failed oven hi-limit circuit.
3. Failed lint compartment automatic (225º) safety thermostat circuit.
4. Failed oven contactor (relay).
5. Failed heat selector switch.
1. Steam damper binding and/or stuck.
2. No (external) compressed air to the steam damper...80 PSI required.
3. Failed lint compartment automatic (225º) safety thermostat circuit.
4. Failed steam damper 24 VAC pneumatic solenoid switch.
5. Air flow control valve restricting incoming compresses air.
6. Failed heat selector switch.
7. Failed steam damper piston.
G. Heat unit not operating for only one (1) temperature selection ...
1. Failed thermostat corresponding to selection made.
2. Failed heat selector switch
H. Dryer operates but is taking too long to dry load ...
1. Heating unit cycling on hi-limit thermostat (for GAS and ELECTRIC MODELS ONLY).
2. Steam damper binding in partially open position (for STEAM MODELS ONLY).
3. Lint and/or dust accumulation on steam coil fins (for STEAM MODELS ONLY).
4. Housekeeping ...
a. Lint screen and lint compartment not being cleaned on a regular basis.