
U. Heating unit for GAS MODELS or STEAM MODELS
is not operating (no heat) and the
microprocessor controller (computer) L.E.D. (light emitting diode) heat indicator dot is on but the
"HEAT" relay output L.E.D.
is not on...
1. Failed microprocessor controller (computer).
V. No heat for GAS MODELS ONLY...ignitor sparks, burner goes on then off right away...
1. DSI (Direct Spark Ignition) ignitor/flame-probe out of adjustment...reposition closer to the flame area.
2. Sail switch is fluttering ...
a. Lint drawer/screen is dirty.
b. Restriction in exhaust duct work.
c. Blower impellor/fan going the wrong direction.
3. Insufficient make-up air.
4. Failed ignitor/flame-probe assembly.
5. Failed Direct Spark Ignition (DSI) module.
6. Failed gas valve.
W. No heat for STEAM MODELS ONLY ...both microprocessor controller (computer) L.E.D. (light
emitting diode) heat indicator dot and the "HEAT" relay output L.E.D. are on...
1. Fault in 225º F (107º C) hi-heat (limit) switch circuit or tripped manual reset hi-limit thermostat.
2. No (external) compressed air to steam damper...80 PSI (5.51 bars) required.
3. Failed steam damper 24 VAC pneumatic solenoid valve.
4. Failed steam damper piston.
5. Steam damper stuck closed.
X. Dryer operates but is taking too long to dry...
1. Exhaust duct work run too long or is undersized...back pressure cannot exceed 0.3 inches W.C. (0.74 mb).
2. Restriction in duct work...check duct from dryer ALL the way to the outdoors.
3. Low and/or inconsistent gas pressure ... for GAS MODELS ONLY.
4. Insufficient make-up air.
5. Poor air/gas mixture at burner - yellow or poor flame pattern...adjust gas burner air adjustment shutters ...