Before You Begin
The Operator's Manual explains the features, operation, and application of the ADTTE
Touch Tracker matrix keyboard (ADTTE matrix keyboard). It explains the tasks that can be
performed when using this product as part of your system.
Using This Manual
This manual is organized as follows:
• Chapter 1: ADTTE Matrix Keyboard Overview describes the keyboard and its use. It
also identifies buttons found on the keypad.
• Chapter 2: Getting Started describes the fields on the keyboard LCD. It also includes
information about using the keyboard lock and passwords.
• Chapter 3: Everyday Tasks discusses how you use the keyboard to control cameras. This
chapter also includes instructions setting up shots, working with patterns, acknowledging
alarms, and controlling auxiliaries.
• Chapter 4: Utilities and Advanced User Tasks describes system utilities that can be run
from the keyboard. These utilities include setting the language, arming or disarming
monitors, displaying the main menu of the switching system, displaying the firmware
version, and adjusting keyboard settings.
• Appendix A: Software License explains the terms and conditions associated with the use
of this product.
Text Conventions
This book uses text in different ways to identify different kinds of information.
Used for terms specific to keyboard and text that requires emphasis.
Used for LCD messages and prompts, as well as items that you select from
the LCD menu.
Bold Used for names of buttons on the keypad, for example, Menu.
Note: Special notes appear in boxes like these.