MegaRUM PCI Motherboard User’s Guide70
Peripheral Setup
Peripheral Setup options are displayed by choosing the Peripheral Setup icon
from the WINBIOS Setup main menu. All Peripheral Setup options are
described in this section.
Onboard Floppy Controller Set this option to Enabled to enable the floppy drive controller on
the motherboard. The settings are Enabled or Disabled. The Optimal and Fail-
Safe default settings are Enabled.
Onboard Primary/Secondary IDE This option specifies the IDE channel used by the onboard
IDE controller. The settings are Disabled, Primary, Secondary, or Both. The
Optimal and Fail-Safe default settings are Disabled.
Onboard IDE Bus Master Set this option to Enabled if the onboard IDE controller is a PCI bus
mastering device. This option is not available if the Onboard
Primary/Secondary IDE option is set to Disabled. The settings are Enabled or
Disabled. The Optimal and Fail-Safe default settings are Enabled.
Onboard Primary Prefetch This option enables the prefetch feature for the specified IDE device
attached to the onboard Primary IDE controller. The settings are Master, Slave,
Both, or Disabled. The Optimal and Fail-Safe default settings are Disabled.
Onboard Secondary Prefetch This option enables the prefetch feature for the specified IDE
device attached to the onboard Secondary IDE controller. The settings are
Master, Slave, Both, or Disabled. The Optimal and Fail-Safe default settings
are Disabled.