Chapter 2 WINBIOS Setup 59
Peripheral Setup, Continued
Onboard Parallel Port Address This option specifies the base I/O port address of the parallel
port on the motherboard. The settings are Disabled, 378h, or 278h. The
Optimal default setting is 378h. The Fail-Safe default setting is Disabled.
Onboard Parallel Port Mode This option specifies the parallel port mode. The Optimal default
setting is Normal. The Fail-Safe default setting is Disabled. The settings are:
Setting Description
The normal parallel port mode is used.
The parallel port can be used with devices that adhere to the SPP or Enhanced
Parallel Port (EPP) specification. EPP uses the existing parallel port signals to
provide asymmetric bidirectional data transfer driven by the host device.
The parallel port can be used with devices that adhere to the Extended Capabilities
Port (ECP) specification. ECP uses the DMA protocol to achieve data transfer rates
up to 2.5 Megabits per second. ECP provides symmetric bidirectional
EPP Version This option specifies the Enhanced Parallel Port specification version number
that is used if the Parallel Port Mode option is set to EPP. This option can
only be selected if the Parallel Port Mode option is set to EPP
The settings are 1.7 or 1.9. There are no Optimal and Fail-Safe default
settings because the default setting for the Parallel Port Mode option is not
Parallel Port DMA Channel This option is only available if the setting for the Parallel Port
Mode option is ECP. This option sets the DMA channel used by the parallel
port. The settings are (DMA Channel) 0, 1 or 3. The Optimal and Fail-Safe
default settings are 3.