Notes On Export Management
This product and its manuals may require an Export License/Approval by
the Government of the product's country of origin for re-export from you
Before re-exporting the product or manuals, please contact us to confirm
whether they are export-controlled items or not.
When you dispose of export-controlled items, the products/manuals are
needed to be broken/shredded so as not to be unlawfully used for military
Disposing of Product
This equipment uses chemical compound semiconductors including
arsenide. At the end of its life, the equipment should be recycled o
disposed properly according to the local disposal regulations.
Trademark and Registered Trademark
MS, Microsoft, MS-DOS and Windows are the registered trademark o
Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
IBM and AT are the registered trademark of International Business Ma-
chines Corporation.
NI-488.2TM is a registered trademark of National Instruments Corpora-