Measurement Options Specifications
Time Domain (Option 0002) (includes Distance Domain Option 0501)
The VNA Master can also display the S-parameter measurements in the time or distance domain using lowpass or bandpass
processing analysis modes. The broadband frequency coverage coupled with 4001 data points means you can measure
discontinuities both near and far with unprecedented clarity for a handheld tool. With this option, you can simultaneously view
S-parameters in frequency, time, and distance domain to quickly identify faults in the field. Advanced features available with
this option include step response, phasor impulse, gating, and frequency gated in time. The option includes computational
routines that further enhance the Distance Domain results by compensating for cable loss, relative velocity of propagation,
and dispersion compensation in waveguide.
Distance Domain
Round-Trip (reflection) Fault Resolution (meters): (0.5 x c x Vp) / ∆F; (c is speed of light = 3E8 m/s, ∆F is F2 – F1 in Hz)
One-Way (transmission) Fault Resolution (meters): (c x Vp) / ∆F; (c is speed of light = 3E8 m/s, ∆F is F2 – F1 in Hz)
Horizontal Range (meters): 0 to (data points – 1) x Fault Resolution to a maximum of 3000 m (9843 ft.)
Windowing Rectangular, Nominal Side Lobe (NSL), Low Side Lobe (LSL), and Minimum Side Lobe (MSL)
Display Range
–80 to +80 dBm (10 pW to 100 kW)
Measurement Range
–50 to +20 dBm (10 nW to 40 mW)
Offset Range
0 to +60 dB
0.1 dB, 0.1 xW (x = n, μ, m based on detector power)
±1 dB maximum for >–40 dBm using
560-7N50B detector
Part Numbers
560-7N50B 560-7S50B
Frequency Range
0.01 to 20 GHz 0.01 to 20 GHz
50 Ω 50 Ω
Power Range
–55 dBm to +16 dBm –55 dBm to +16 dBm
Return Loss
15 dB, < 0.04 GHz
22 dB, < 8 GHz
17 dB, < 18 GHz
14 dB, < 20 GHz
15 dB, < 0.04 GHz
22 dB, < 8 GHz
17 dB, < 18 GHz
14 dB, < 20 GHz
Input Connector
N(m) WSMA(m)
Frequency Response
±0.5 dB, < 18 GHz
±1.25 dB, < 20 GHz
±0.5 dB, < 18 GHz
±1.25 dB, < 20 GHz
Power Monitor Detectors* (Ordered separately):
*See www.us.anritsu.com for additional detectors
Transmitter measurements in the field are possible when
using this VNA Master software mode with a separately
purchased Anritsu 560 series detector. A variety of detectors
are available to 50 GHz, but the popular 560-7N50B covers
10 MHz to 20 GHz with a measurement range of –50 to
+20 dBm with better than 0.5 dB flatness to 18 GHz. After
zeroing the detector to ensure accuracy at low power levels,
the software offers intuitive operation for absolute and
relative readouts in dBm or Watts.
Power Monitor (Option 0005) Requires external detector
Secure Data Operation (Option 0007)
For highly secure data handling requirements, this software option prevents the storing of measurement setup or data
information onto any internal file storage location. Instead, setup and measurement information is stored ONLY to the
external USB memory location. A simple factory preset prepares the VNA Master for transportation while the USB memory
remains behind in the secure environment. The VNA Master cannot be switched between secure and non-secure operation by
the user once configured for secure data operation. As an additional security measure, with this option enabled the user can
choose to blank the frequency values displayed on the screen.