1-2) Model # (unsigned integer, 14h for Site Master S331D, 15h for Site Master S332D)
3-9) Extended Model # (7 bytes in ASCII)
10-13) Software Version (4 bytes in ASCII)
Write Custom Cable – Control Byte #80 (50h)
Description: Write a cable parameter in the custom cable list.
Bytes to Follow: 25 bytes
1) Not Used
2) Cable List index (0 - 49)
3 – 17) Cable Description (string)
18) Propagation Velocity (highest byte)
19) Propagation Velocity
20) Propagation Velocity
21) Propagation Velocity (lowest byte)
22) Insertion Loss (highest byte)
23) Insertion Loss
24) Insertion Loss
25) Insertion Loss (lowest byte)
Site Master Returns: 1 byte
1) 255 (FFh) Operation Complete Byte
224 (E0h) Parameter Error
238 (EEh) Time Out Error
Recall Custom Cable – Control Byte #81 (51h)
Description: Query a cable in the custom cable list.
Bytes to Follow: 2 bytes
1) Not Used
2) Cable list index (0-49)
Site Master Returns: 24 bytes
1) Upper bound of Custom Cable Index
2 – 16) Cable Description (string)
17) Propagation Velocity (highest byte)
18) Propagation Velocity
19) Propagation Velocity
20) Propagation Velocity (lowest byte)
21) Insertion Loss (highest byte)
22) Insertion Loss
23) Insertion Loss
24) Insertion Loss (lowest byte)
Site Master PM 77
264 Cable loss uses units 1/100,000 dBm or 1/100,000 dB/ft.
265 Relative Propagation Velocity uses units 1/100,000.
266 Relative Propagation Velocity uses units 1/100,000.
267 Cable loss uses units 1/100,000 dB/m or 1/100,000 dB/ft.