
InRoom Precision AC Tech Data Manual4
Optional Features
The humidifier utilizes a pure
steam generator specifically
designed for precision
environmental close control. The
pure steam eliminates
contaminating mineral deposits,
potentially harmful bacteria,
white dust, and excessive
humidity. The humidifier requires
little scheduled maintenance. The
humidifier is proportionally
controlled to meet the
humidification demands of the
conditioned space. Humidifier
canisters are replaceable.
Electric Reheat
Electric reheat elements are low
watt density, wired for 3-phase
and loaded equally on all three
phases, SCR controlled, and
electrically and thermally
protected by both automatic and
manual reset thermal cut outs.
Reheat coils are stainless steel,
tubular fin construction.
Spot Water Detector
The solid-state spot water
detector is available for both 50
and 60 Hz cooling units. The spot
water detector activates an
audible alarm on the controller
when moisture is detected.
Smoke Detector
The factory-installed smoke
detector is designed to sense
smoke in the return air stream.
Upon detection of smoke, an
audible and visual alarm on the
microprocessor controller will be
activated and the unit will be shut
down immediately.
Hot Gas Bypass Valve
The hot gas bypass valve
(HGBV) adjusts the flow of
compressor discharge gas to the
evaporator coil at low load
conditions to protect the coil from
freezing and the compressor from
excessive cycling. 60 Hz cooling
units use a mechanical HGBV.
50 Hz cooling units use an
electronically controlled HGBV.
On 50 Hz cooling units, the
HGBV option requires the analog
extension board EAIO.
Cable Leak Detector (60 Hz
The optional 6 m (20 ft) leak
detection sensing cable (APC part
number ACAC75105) is available
for 60 Hz cooling units only. The
cable leak detector is placed on
the floor or subfloor around all
possible leak sources. If water or
other conductive liquids contact
the cable anywhere along its
length, the master controller
visually and audibly announces
the leak.
The floorstand raises the unit
above the subfloor to match the
height of the raised floor. Heights
are available from 254 mm (10
in) to 610 mm (24 in) in 76.2 mm
(3 in) increments and are
adjustable +/– 38.1 mm (1.5 in).
Adjustment is provided by
threaded pedestals. Vibration-
absorbing pads are included. The
floorstand, pedestal, and pads
ship loose. In areas where
earthquakes are a concern,
seismic floorstands are available
in 305 mm (12 in), 457 mm (18
in), and 610 mm (24 in) heights.
Discharge plenums are available
on upflow configurations. This
application is recommended in
rooms where raised floors are not
available for air distribution.
Discharge air should be ducted
down cold aisles.
Base Plenum
Insulated base plenums are
available for downflow cooling
units where raised floors are not
available for air distribution. Four
front-discharge configurations are
available equipped with dampers,
grilles, flexible ductwork or open.
All configurations are 450 mm
(17.7 in) high and sit beneath the
InRoom cooling unit.
Water Regulating Valves
Water and fluid cooled systems
utilize two- or three-way valves to
regulate the amount of water or
glycol supplied to the condenser
in response to refrigerant
discharge pressure. The standard
valve pressure rating is 28 kPa
(400 psi).
Extreme Low Temperature
Kit (Direct Expansion units
Extreme Low Temperature Kits
for air cooled condensers are
available for operation below
–34.4°C (–30°F). The optional
kit consists of pressure control
valves and receivers for the liquid
return side of the refrigerant