
81InRoom Precision AC Tech Data Manual
A. The indoor unit shall consist of an evaporator section including evaporator coil, EC fan package,
controls, electrical section, and compressor.
A. Outdoor Propeller Fan Condenser (60Hz): The outdoor condenser cabinet shall be constructed of
2 mm (0.08 in) aluminum, with heavy gauge galvanized steel support legs. The condenser cabinet
shall house the condenser coil, fan(s), fan guard(s), and condenser motor control and enabling
box. The condenser motor control shall be approved by the National Electrical Manufacturers
Association (NEMA) and be constructed using 3R (Reduce, Recycle, Reuse) technology. The
condenser shall have copper tubes expanded into aluminum fins. The headers and connections
shall be copper. The coil shall be pressure-tested and sealed for shipment. The condenser motors
shall have internal overload protection and operate on ________ V, ________ ph, 60 Hz power.
1. (SA) -20º F Variable Fan Speed Control: The air-cooled system shall incorporate a low
ambient variable speed fan head pressure control for year-round A/C system operation down
to -29º C
(-20º F) DB minimum ambient temperature. Number one fan is speed controlled based on
refrigerant discharge pressure. All remaining fan(s) are controlled by pressure fan cycling
2. (EC) -20º F Intelligent control: The air cooled system shall incorporate a low ambient
variable speed fan head pressure control for year round A/C system operation down to -20º F
DB minimum ambient air temperature. All fans shall be high efficient, electronically
commutated EC axial fan(s). The control system shall be provided with refrigerant pressure
transducer(s) to monitor refrigerant discharge pressure and control the EC fan(s) to the
precise speed as needed to maintain design refrigerant discharge pressures.
B. Outdoor Propeller Fan Condenser (50Hz): The outdoor condenser casing shall be made of
aluminum, and all structural supports, coil frame, motor drive supports, and mounting legs shall
be made of galvanized steel. The condenser shall have copper tubes expanded into aluminum fins.
Headers and connections shall be copper. The coil shall be pressure tested and sealed for
shipment. The condenser motors shall have internal overload protection, and operate on
________ V, _____ ph, 50 Hz power. Motors shall be mounted inside the condenser casing for
weather protection, and shall be wired to a terminal strip in a weatherproof panel on the unit. The
direct drive, aluminum fan blade and painted steel hub assembly shall be protected by a heavy-
gauge, vinyl-coated, steel-wire fan guard. On multiple units, each fan section shall be separated
by full-width baffles to prevent bypass air. The condenser shall be sized for ________ º C (º F)
ambient, and condensing temperature controls shall be fan speed for -29º C (-20º F) winter
C. Liquid Receivers: Each standard stock receiver shall conform to UL, CSA, or ASME
requirements for 450 psi maximum working pressure. Models with an internal diameter under six
inches shall be UL listed. All larger models shall be made according to ASME code and tagged
1. All pumpdowns shall be calculated at 80% capacity of liquid.
2. Approximately 10% of pumpdown capacity shall be required to operate receiver properly.