InRoom SC 50 Hz User Guide12
Drain Kit Installation
The InRoom SC utilizes evaporative technology, which eliminates the need for a condensate tank. To
manage any excess condensation, a drain pan is located in the bottom of the unit. When the drain pan is
full, a light will flash on the display and an alarm will sound to alert you. The cooling unit will
automatically shut down. To avoid a shut down, install the drain kit and route the hose to a drain.
See “Inventory” on page 6 for a description of the contents of the drain hose kit.
1. Attach the plastic hose clip to
the back of the cooling unit with
the screw provided.
2. Remove the drain cap from the
back of the cooling unit.
3. Attach the drain hose to the
drain pipe with the hose clamp
included in the kit.
4. Remove the plug from the end
of the hose to empty the drain
pan and then replace the plug if
the hose is not permanently
installed to a drain.
5. With the plug installed, press
the drain hose into the hose clip
to keep it out of the way when
not in use.
Continuous draining
Note: Continuous drainage is recommended when the unit is used in DRY mode.
Caution: Condensate draining is done by gravity. Do not run a drain hose to a drain that is
located above the drain port of the cooling unit.