InRow RD 10 kW Air Cooled Operation and Maintenance36
1. Use Ping with a size of 113 bytes to assign the IP address defined by the ARP command. For the
IP address defined in step 1, use one of the following Ping commands:
– Windows command format:
ping -l 113
– LINUX command format:
ping -s 113
2. Use Telnet to access the Network Management Card at its newly assigned IP address. For
3. Use apc for both user name and password.
See “Control console” on page 36 to finish the configuration.
Control console
After you log on at the control console, as described in“Local access to the control console” on page 35
or “Remote access to the control console” on page 35:
1. Choose Network from the Control Console menu.
2. Choose
TCP/IP from the Network menu.
3. If you are not using a
BOOTP or DHCP server to configure the TCP/IP settings, select the Boot
Mode menu and then select Manual boot mode.
4. Set the System
IP, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway address values. (Changes will take effect
when you log out.)
5. Press
ENTER to return to the TCP/IP menu.
6. Press
CTRL+C to exit to the Control Console menu.
7. Log out (option 4 in the Control Console menu).
Note: If you disconnected a cable from the local computer during the procedure
described in “Local access to the control console” on page 35, reconnect that cable and
restart the associated service.