InRow RD 10 kW Air Cooled Operation and Maintenance14
Navigating the main menu
Selector arrow. Press the up or down arrow key to move the selector arrow
to a main menu option.
Press the
ENTER key to view the selected sub-menu screen. In the example shown below, the selector
arrow points to the Set Date and Time setting. To select that item, press the
ENTER key.
Note: If the selector arrow is on the top line of a main menu screen, press the up arrow key to
move the selector arrow to the top line of the previous screen.
Continue arrows. Continue arrows
indicate that additional options or settings are available on a
menu or status screen. Press the up or down arrow key to view the additional items.
Navigating the sub-menus
Selecting a main menu option displays the sub-menu screen for that option. In this example, the selector
arrow is on the top line of the Set Date and Time sub-menu screen.
Use the up or down arrow key to move the selector arrow to an option, and press the
ENTER key.
• List of choices. If the setting is a list of choices, an input arrow
displays next to the setting.
Press the up or down arrow key to select the menu option to change. Then press the
ENTER key to
exit the input mode and save the setting. Press the
ESC key to exit without saving.
• Numbers or text fields. If the setting is a number or text field, use the arrow keys to select the
value of the first character, and press the
ENTER key to move to the next character. Press the ENTER
key after the last character is set to exit the input mode and save the setting. Press the
ESC key to
exit without saving. If an invalid value is entered, the display interface beeps and restores the
previous valid value to the field.
Input arrows. Input arrows
next to a selected setting indicate that the setting can be modified by
pressing the up or down arrow key. Press the
ENTER key to save the change or the ESC key to cancel the
Configure Modbus
Set Date & Time
Set Password
Configure Modbus
Set Date & Time
Set Password
Date: 18-Nov-2006
Date: 18-Nov-2006